Life hasn't always been great



In the phase of reality

I´m now seeing the sun

In the shadows

of another Valley

the destruction lurkes

with a loaded gun


The black symphony

also known as the past

Deeply carved memories


~at last~


Closing the door

to a life known before

Never wanting it to

be opened again for sure


It takes so little

to bring a memory-flash back

Guess I´ll always suffer

from self-confidence-lack


But still

I do consider myself a winner


~after all~


Cause I survived

and I rised

And I´m still standing

holding my head up high




2007 © Jeanette Louridas





Poetry by Hagzissa
Read 648 times
Written on 2007-04-01 at 18:25

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u made nice piece

And what a wonderful inspiration you are as a happy, in love again, survivor J. and poetess. Love this poem. Yes we will always have reminders of the past and being able to see it and yet shut the door too, is a way of reminding us of just how lucky we are. What doesn't kill you makes you stronger they say, well I must be as strong as an ox along with you. Smiling at you, Tai