


When two souls meet

Destined to be together


The reaction is

intense and



I knew.....


From the first time

I saw you

That this was it

The search was over


You found me

But I knew


This is for real

This is true

And for the rest of my life

I will love you



2007 © Jeanette Louridas



Poetry by Hagzissa
Read 1497 times
Written on 2007-05-17 at 23:36

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Oh my goodness it's so simple. It's gorgeous. I love the way this poem doesn't only describe love, but it shows what love is supposed to be by the poems simplicity. It's just marvelous!

definate bookmark!

I've often wondered how I'll know I've met a soulmate, how I'll be sure...your poem just explained it to me. Tack! :)

Kathy Lockhart
yes, i know that feeling you have expressed so beautifully here. It is a truly amazing experience. : )

Still going strong I see!
Am happy for you Hagrissa.
You seem to be a good and lovely person...