The other half



When missing you

gets to me so hard

It feels like I´m

being torn apart


I´m trying

I am really trying


Trying so hard

to be strong

Holding on to the thought

of it all being worth it

That I´ll get my reward


But all this waiting......


I could lie and say

I don´t mind

That it´s fine

Since I know waiting

will soon be left behind


But I can´t

I´m sorry, but I really can´t


Cause I do mind

and I´m not fine


How could I be?

When I´m missing

the other half of me



2007 © Jeanette Louridas

Poetry by Hagzissa
Read 1376 times
Written on 2007-05-25 at 17:28

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A well written emotional poem. This explains the feeling of missing the other half..the one you love and adore. I like this poem alot!!!



i can feel this pain

Brought tears to my eyes.

*sigh* ever-so-true...

Waiting seems pointless when it's right there in front of you.

I'd actually enjoy hearing more into why you wrote this poem and such.

Very nice my friend! very!.. I can feel your heart crying..

I know this feeling all to well, and you've brought it across beautifully, excellent writing.