Just writing it off........




A day

feeling kind of sad

When getting so emotionally


Don´t even have the energy

of getting mad


Just sad


The biggest betrayal

commited to me

Are lies and deceit

Destroying all the confidence

that used to be


Knowing it´s not easy

growing up today


I must say

If you lie to me

I´ll get sad



Little did I know

the day I signed up for this job

I knew it would be hard

That much I understood

But now I know

I signed up for the hardest job

there is in this world





2007 © Jeanette Louridas


Poetry by Hagzissa
Read 1203 times
Written on 2007-05-30 at 08:42

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Esti D-G
And its also the most fantastic of jobs, to be there for the first smile, the first gurgle of delight, the first kiss from a baby to its mother, returning all the love lavished on it ten-fold.

Aaaah! can't wait to do it all again!

A very nice poem expressing the downsides of motherhood which many young women not yet a mother (like me) are certainly afraid of...Thanks for sharing it with us.

I don't have any children Hagrissa, (One mistake in life I thankfully never made!!) I enjoyed this, and will give it to friends who are undergoing teenage torture!!

Love this one.. and you are so right.. parenthood.. should be more rewarded than it is.. but still.. I would do it all over again..

John Ashleigh
And from what I've put my family through, you will have the biggest persuit of happiness there is to come in a time of your life. Motherhood is hard, and this poem is touching.

The hardest is always the most rewarding. It is only mothers who have the chance to feel something beautiful growing inside them; only them who understand the magic of seeing life come into this world...and not just any life, but a combination of two souls into one; it is only them who can feel and understand the pains of their little ones, and feel the pride swell in their hearts as they see their children grow.
It is the hardest job I presume, but it is the best.