


There are in times like this

I realize just what I miss


A day

the most important one

which you´d like to share

with your loved ones


~ family~


Usually the mother is there

to help the bride

So excited she´s nearly

ready to burst out of pride


Not mine......


No sharing joy

no participation

(not even a congratulation)

I´ll be surprised if she

can find the time to stay

for some celebration


It´s days like this

I come to realize

Just how lonely I´ve been

my entire life



2007 © Jeanette Louridas

Poetry by Hagzissa
Read 701 times
Written on 2007-06-14 at 12:15

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Elle The PoetBay support member heart!
Having lost my mother when I was 4, I can relate to this feeling of somehow having missed out on those special times only a mother and daughter can share - there is a kind of loneliness and incompleteness

Elle x

The emotion is truly portrayed...

Amanda K
longing to the family and friends can make some1 feels so lonely,so true.