From that moment



Surrounded by a thousand roses

and the sound of pounding hearts


The moment of truth

joining hands

I only have eyes for you

from where I stand


Observing a white dove

Been sent to us

in the name of love


Brings me to smile

and my breathing turns back

to normal for a while


From that moment

and on

Our two hearts

will never again be parted

since our journey through life

have just begun



2007 © Jeanette Louridas




Poetry by Hagzissa
Read 799 times
Written on 2007-06-30 at 10:21

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"All you need is love" this poem speaks about the true meaning of love! And I truly love it! Well done.

Beautiful in all its sincerity and I hope it lasts a lifetime.

Zoya Zaidi
How lovely hugz! May you share this journey together a long way in life!
Love, Zoya