Just words that came over me letting the keyboard run free.....

Deep blue



Catching a thought

through the wind

Emotions whispering

of the joy life can be


Sitting on a cliff

by the oceans reaf

Holding a symbolic



The leaf that stands

for all that´s been


Dropping the leaf

into the deep oceans blue

Letting it go

Time to head home

to the life that´s new


Leaving the past

where it belongs

In the deep sea blue



2007 © Jeanette Louridas

Poetry by Hagzissa
Read 793 times
Written on 2007-07-17 at 19:24

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Kathy Lockhart
i am sitting here in awe of this poem Jeannette--so poignant, profound --- beautifully presented. bookmarked

Colin Skilton
I love this my friend,
the ocean the leaf a new life, such vivid images and deeply intimate and creative insight of you.

Beautifully Expressed!!