When time is running out.....



With sorrow in my heart

feeling an era's coming to its end

World wide apart

and still with such a closeness

in every message that I send


All of you

my dear poet-friends

Have left a deep mark in me

Emotions have been shared

and all the hope that we have

on how we want our lives to be


The future of poetbay

seems to be standing on shaking ground

Days filled with uncertainty

were no answers seems to be found


My time here is running out

and therefore I'd like to take a moment or two

Telling you how much fun I've had

and how much I'm gonna miss you all,too....


This year have been filled with adventures

and happenings

I wish and hope that next year will be just

as good as this one


If not better


To all of my friends

or whoever else might read this


~Happy New Year~





Poetry by Hagzissa
Read 1118 times
Written on 2007-12-29 at 19:45

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I have faith this is a place ment to be in the universe of good ..
a very sweet poem


Kathy Lockhart
this is a beautiful, heart-felt poem Jeanette. My hope is that Poetbay will survive and thrive. Let's just keep writing, reading, and commenting on the texts here on the bay. It is a place of wonder. It has brought people from all over the world together in a safe place of expression. I am blessed to know you Jeanette and to call you friend. xx kathy

lastromantichero The PoetBay support member heart!
Jeanette dont give up on us just yet stay awhile a very heart rending text like this is so touching
but i will stay and stay until the last breath of poet bay i will miss your friendship and your poetry if you go
rgds Mike