Ndakatulo zanu abambo ndi zokoma, ndi kadya ubwerere. Tindime take ntatifuptifupi bwino koma ntauthenga wa mphanvu.Muli mau omanga osati kugumura , ndingakondwe patapezeka njira ya bwino yofalitsira uthenga wanu pa dziko lonse la pansi. Ndi uthenga wodzad


[A Paragraph In ChiChewa Language About Your Poetry Dear Afzal Shauq]

Ndakatulo zanu abambo ndi zokoma, ndi kadya ubwerere. Tindime take ntatifuptifupi bwino koma ntauthenga wa mphanvu.Muli mau omanga osati kugumura , ndingakondwe patapezeka njira ya bwino yofalitsira uthenga wanu pa dziko lonse la pansi. Ndi uthenga wodzadzidwa ndi chikondi. Ngakhale sitinawonane pa maso ndi pa maso koma ndinu munthu ofuna ntendere pa ziko lose la pansi monga tsogoleri wathu amakonda kunena kuti tiyende pamodzi ndi mtima umodzi inuso muli chimodzimodzi. Ndakatulo zanu ndi zobweretsa umodzi komanso chikondi, Mwachidule m'ndakatulo zanu muli zithu zabwino zambiri pa moyo wathu wa tsiku ndi tsiku.Ndikukhulupilira kuti buku lanu likhala buku lopambana kwambiri. Ndikukhulupiliranso kuti Mulungu alinanu cholinga ndi pephero langa kuti cholinga chanu chikwanilitsidwe mwa ambuye wa kumwamba. Ndizolembalemba zimangodikira nyengo.Ngakhale mau a Mulungu amatiuza kuti chilichonse ndichotheka bola tingokhulupilira mwa iye namalenga. Ndakatulo zanu zikutilimbikitsa kukondana wina ndi mzake chifukwa ndi ife ana a Adamu ndi Eve.Mundakatulo zanu muli uthenga wa chikondi , muli uthenga wopatsa malimbikitso komanso muli umodzi. Pomaliza ndikuyamika Mulungu chifukwa cha uthenga wanu wabwinowu.

Pitilosi Mdala
"pitilosi mdala"

ChiChewa Translation of My Pagraph About Your Poetry Dear Afzal Shauq!!

Your poems are really sweet , when you read once you want to read them more and more. The stanzas are short but with strong message. They are constructive not destructive pieces, I wish there should be a proper channel to spread this to all the people living on the face of the world. This is the message full of love. Though we haven't seen each other face to face but I have a picture in my mind through these few pieces or stanzas that you're a man who wish to see peace among people. Like our president's Dr Bingu Wa Mutharika slogan, let us walk together with one heart, the same applies to you. Your poems can bring oneness and can build love within us. In short , in your poems there are more good things upon the lives of different people. They can heal the broken hearts and they are important on our daily lives. I believe that, your book will be one of the successful book. I believe that God has a purpose for you and it is my prayer that your will must be fulfilled in the name of almighty Lord who art in heaven. It was written before it just wait for the right time. Even the word of God told us that everything is possible just believe. Your poems gives courage to love one another because they are love packed poems and for we are the children of Adam and Eve love is our slogan. In your poems there is love and oneness . Your poems are straight forward. Lastly, I'm thanking God because of your pieces.

Pitilosi Mdala
"pitilosi mdala"

Poetry by afzal shauq
Read 319 times
Written on 2009-10-11 at 23:47

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