Shauq is a true poet who puts a piece of his heart and soul in each and every poem he writes and that gives a great degree of sincerity making him a man of emotion and a mirror of reality. Afzal Shauq is both a realistic and a romantic poet.... Ro'ya

'Quick Glance on Afzal Shauq' / Ro'ya AbdulAal

'Quick Glance on Afzal Shauq'

The works of Afzal Shauq are pieces of arts, pastiches of his experience and passion for poetry. His works unite both the Victorian and the Modern Eras and they disclose so much about him as a person before a poet, a true gentleman, a kindhearted man and a religious son. Shauq 's aware of the sum of sorrow and sadness human beings share and he successfully reflects that in his poems. He visualizes scenes very vividly making it easy for readers to comprehend as well as to take part of the poem's atmosphere. The reader is always left with the feeling the poet wants to echo. Shauq is a true poet who puts a piece of his heart and soul in each and every poem he writes and that gives a great degree of sincerity making him a man of emotion and a mirror of reality. Afzal Shauq is both a realistic and a romantic poet. The amounts of restrictions in his poems usually place him under Realism. He reflects the world around him as he sees it, as it is, no additions and no perfections. Yet he is the sensitive romantic poet echoing Wordsworth and Keats. He is the ideal poet who seeks perfection, who tries to beautify life making it lovely to read. You can strongly feel the smooth overflow of feelings and sensations in his poems. Shauq provokes the senses of the reader and relies on their understanding of the poem by his great use of descriptive language and well chosen words. He expresses his ideas very well creating a deep manifestation of senses. His topics cover all aspects of human life. In most of his poems he uses standard diction, regular meters and neat stanzas. He writes with elegant style but he also uses everyday language to compile a poem. With his austere view of the human condition, reality and future he is considered to be a modern poet with mature values.

Afzal Shauq's works examine complex communal and philosophical themes currently used by lots of poets. His use however is unique in his own way, he employs both his skill and talent in his writings. His significant use of traditional verse forms and metrics also made his a modern poet as well as his adherence to the language as it is spoken. His works also contain an elegant use of irony, ambiguity and symbolic language. He is a seeker who always searched for new themes. Although themes about human life, sadness and love are usually portrayed in his poems, he also shed a ray of light on some religious, war and current social issues. Shauq is a great and talented poet who offered literature specially poetry quite a lot and he is still young in his career.

Ro'ya AbdulAal
Translator and Poetess

© Ro'ya AbdulAal

Poetry by afzal shauq
Read 450 times
Written on 2009-11-29 at 16:16

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