(A letter of appreciation and High Regards.... Rehana Yaqoob)

A Salute To Mr. Afzal Shauq / Rehana Yaqoob USA

(A letter of appreciation and High Regards.... Rehana Yaqoob)

In this world of suffering humanity agony and pain, where we hear shrieks and moans of women and children,Blood stained bodies of the young and the old, we need someone to care, to feel to heal the suffering humanity.

To quote '' When we begin with hope we end with satisfaction''. There are people of GOd on this earth, still living, still feeling,still appealing to the whole mankind to love each other as brethrens and thats you Mr Afzal Shauq.

It is people like you who make this world GOD's world.
All your poems and articles are peace loving they have a warmth of love, deep love for humanity.

How closely you feel the agony of deprived distressed people, How dearly you yearn for thier well being.As if the Divine Messages of Allah stated in the Holy Quran have penetrated within your soul.

Afzal Shauq ! You write with depth, you write with your heart. You write with Longing sentiments for every son of Adam.
This is indeed your Greatness.

What are we in this world for , none the less To love each other and to make this world easier secure and sufficient
for others to live. This is your message for all of us.

May Allah shower all his kindness on you.
May He bestow on you enlightment to spread HIS willingness through you to all the people of the world

May God give your hand that holds the pen , the strength to write more to express and to console the deprived the weak and the frail.

Afzal Shauq ! Let me share some of my peace loving quotes are

1 Be kind to rude people
Deep down they have a corner

2 Problems are not problems
when communicated with a cool expression

3 Lets promise for once
we will not hate
we will not be angry
we will not rebuke
we will not degrade
And gain in life will be yours

4 Take life as a see saw
And keep helping others to go up

With high regards and salaams

Rehana yakoob
"Rehana Yakoob" rehanayakoob@gmail.com

- Ex principal govt Islamia college for women karachi

- Chairperson WCRP / Acrp women's wing Pakistan
USA Asia.
- President Citizen Drug watch Society

- Family counsellor for the poor people and cancer patients

- Msc in Child development and family relations

© Rehana Yaqoob

Author's Comments
(A letter of appreciation and High Regards.... Rehana Yaqoob)sent via email on October, 29 2009.

Poetry by afzal shauq
Read 308 times
Written on 2009-10-29 at 19:46

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