In the poem 'Cry', I felt it was so wonderfully writen with such great details from the text that helped explained more of what the poet wanted to share. I loved how the poet creatively used simalies, because I felt that it made more sense, by getting h


Afzal Shauq is a unique poet, who presents himself with so much meaning and thoughts behind his writing in a creative way. He expressed hisself strongly, deeply and with thoughtful ideas in 'Acquired Label', because I found it as a reader simply short, but through it shines a wonderful point of view, with a poem written so well.

I enjoy reading 'Sign Of Love', because what I was able to get from this poem was, one can not stay mad at the one he loves no matter what they do. You may hate them at the moment, but you can't stay mad for long. Ah, I loved it! There is so much meaning behind what the poet had said through his writing, plus with the support of the emotions in the poem, just makes it all that much stronger
In the poem 'Cry', I felt it was so wonderfully writen with such great details from the text that helped explained more of what the poet wanted to share. I loved how the poet creatively used simalies, because I felt that it made more sense, by getting his point across in such a creative way because I don't see his talent in my poets that I read, which in my opinion, makes this poem very well expressed
My thoughts on 'Different By Choice' would be express by 'wow, coolest poem that was ever writen.' mainly because I didn't expect the writer to explore all of the places he did in this poem. I loved the suprise and the way he desided to go with this poem, because everything he has said as a poet was true. I found that the poet wonderfully compared people to animals, which in my perpective is true, because sometimes we are no better than them, with the things we do and the choices we make. Loved the intro, because I felt it made the poem stronger and just made everything else seem so powerful throughout the poem
The poem 'Crazy Girl' expressed a well writen poem, because what I have gotten from this poem is...your only friend who is never cruel, is you inner voice. I felt I was able to understand deeply by the wise words the poet used to express himself.

Mona Martinez
United States
11/3/2009 12:12:00 AM (GMT -6:00)

Poetry by afzal shauq
Read 386 times
Written on 2009-11-03 at 08:45

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