"Spanish Eyes"

The sweet effects
of our beauty
will send you walking
in the footsteps
of a Picasso..... (poem by: afzal shauq)

"Spanish Eyes" - This is a very interesting piece. It is very creative with a sweet inter link


"The Human Of 21st Century" - This world has become so competitive, now people can not remember where they come from or why they are called the greatest creature of all. I guess there is no difference between humans and animals anymore. I hope people will realize the importance of peace someday. The type of ideas you added to most of your poems are truly 'peace formulas', if the readers perceive them well. Because the modern humans of this age have behaviours like brutal animals, as you expressed in your master piece poem here. I really appreciate your talent which is being utilized for a peaceful environment to ensure. Well done Afzal !

"Spanish Eyes"

The sweet effects
of our beauty
will send you walking
in the footsteps
of a Picasso.

"Spanish Eyes" - This is a very interesting piece. It is very creative with a sweet inter linkage between the art of Picasso and the beauty of Spanish eyes (which are supposed to be very beautiful). I think the innovation and recreation spirits in your poetry have also got an inspiration from these eyes. Maybe yes or no, but I can say you are writing well and this poem was written in a romantic way and quite impressive.

"Unannounced Love" - This is very interesting and seems to favour true love. The one who presents the red rose is considered to be your lover.. and who will be the first to do so? I think you are right and sometimes two people are in love with each other but worries from other regrets make you both silent as you added to your poem..

"who's going to present
the red rose first..?

So realistic poem is this one Afzal Shauq... I liked it very much.

Shalindri Colonne

Poetry by afzal shauq
Read 364 times
Written on 2009-11-04 at 10:31

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