His poetry is filled with vivid imagery and causes you to feel whatever he was feeling as you read it.Its inspirational to me, and gives me hope that one day I as well, can have books in my nameof my poetry and my experiences.Allow the world to know his n


"No matter the age with a Best friend,
It'll always be someone who helped you mend"
(Poem:-"Best Friends" By:- Sara Holzen)

As a poetess in training, I would describe his work as very well experienced.He deserves all the recommendations he can earn, and should be able to create as many books as he likes with his creative poetry.

His poetry is filled with vivid imagery and causes you to feel whatever he was feeling as you read it.Its inspirational to me, and gives me hope that one day I as well, can have books in my nameof my poetry and my experiences.Allow the world to know his name, giving him aspiration as the poet he is.

I hope that many others like me, older or younger, can read his poetry and be inspired.The world needs much more poetry as his, to fill this dyeing world with much beauty and intellect.

Hopefully in the future, Afzal Shauq may as well be able to create many more books for the growing minds to read.

"Ringing in the ear
is all I hear
when you speak

Yelling of the voice
nothing is my choice
when you speak"
(Poem:-"When you speak" By:- Sara Holzen)

From the response of a growing poetess and teenager,

Sara Holzen
Texas / United States

Poetry by afzal shauq
Read 340 times
Written on 2009-11-19 at 06:48

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