2013-06-02 Wonderful poem! Great imagery and a lot of divine sense. As for me, I attend the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and I'm now experimenting with writing Church poems, i.e. the poems connected with the teachings and doctrine of a particular Christian Church (LDS, I mean).
And I'm also trying to apply this experience to the development of my own literary concept.
If it's not a secret, which Church do you attend? If you don't wish to give forth this information, you can write me a private message. Anyway, sorry for the question.
Joan Black
2013-03-01 Well crafted, a little sad and MAGNIFICENT!
Solemn survival
2012-12-02 Great text, a very philosophic one.
The Heart of a Woman
2012-11-27 Absolutely wonderful. This poem made tears well up in my eyes. I wish, there'd be more poems like that on Poetbay. The future belongs to poets like you, Amy. The magnificence and spirituality of this poem can hardly be overestimated.
Joan Black
Your Love, reward or else penalty?
2012-09-27 Absolutely wonderful use of words, rhymes and very brilliant style!
Nuffink Matterz
2012-08-21 The poem is nicely rhymed and elaborately composed. Great work!
First Day
2012-05-20 I liked it very much!
Nothing there
2012-03-10 Great imagery, sad and a perfect picture of real sadness and moral devastation.
2011-08-20 This poem is topical and burning, because nowadays children, as they grow up, forget about their aged parents and leave them. Great job!
I can(t)
2011-05-04 Very wise and actual words.
Sitting in the Ruins under a Rose Window of a long ago fallen Stonechurch
2010-07-08 At the end of your poem you play with the words "joyful" and "joyous", and that's very nice!
See the Light in the Other Window
2010-07-08 Occasional rhymes are nicely combined with the unrhymed lines. Good!
2010-07-08 I think, you should be more polite and avoid swearing.
Frozen Solid (Calin)
2010-07-08 Beautiful language and style! Do you translate from Swedish?
Breakdown (Calin)
2010-07-08 It is pretty good, but the style needs to be improved.
What Do You Want Me To Do
2010-07-08 This is a nicely rhymed poem. I enjoyed it!
The Panther (R.M. Rilke)
2010-07-08 The whispers are pretty good, I'd say, and it's good, that you read the classic literature.
The Ancient Oaks
2010-07-08 Wonderfully written, good job!
Letting My Mind Fly (poetryslam)
2010-07-08 Again you're swearing!
Emotional Massacre
2010-07-08 By and large, the poem is good, but I think, swearing is unsuitable.
2010-07-08 Very nice and beautiful rhymes!
Winter Short Poems
2010-07-08 These poems are rather expressive by themselves, each of which is absolutely unique.
Torn Between Two Horses
2010-07-08 This is kind of a philosophic poem, I can read the speculations, which are nicely represented.
2010-07-08 Magnificent style! Wonderful poem!
Strings died to you
2010-07-08 Rich, emotional language!!!
Time Angled
2010-07-08 Very nice poem, good imagery, GREAT!!!
The Unbeatable
2010-07-08 This poem is quite informative, rather than artistic, which is a common feature of modern poetry, and prose as well. By and large the poem is nice, and brings pleasure to readers.
2010-07-08 A rhythmically organized play of words. Very nice!
Miracle gardens
2010-07-08 Good job, Michel! Your translation is really brilliant, although there are some inaccuraces, which can of course be forgiven. You have chosen a rather difficult, and, I would say, complicated text to translate.
You know, I am a translator myself, I translate Russian, French, and sometimes other authors into English and I also write my original poetry in English. I wish you good luck in your activity.
2010-07-08 I like especially this line: "Unfamiliar silence" - very good imagery, but you still need to make your language more expressive. Good luck!
2010-05-20 Very beautiful and wise words!!! Great imagery. I'm impressed.
Another shore
2010-02-14 Good poem, very nice!
72) Just Last Night
2010-02-11 This poem is nice! Good!
2010-02-06 Nice poem, beautiful imagery.
2007-11-29 Very good poem! Expressive.
Love Game
2007-03-27 Your poem is good. Very original style!