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Hello world.
melanie sue69 years old from |
MY TEXTS, Archive 125 Texts
Attraction (2) - 2014-03-01
Signed and Sealed (4) - 2014-02-14
Coward (2) - 2014-02-14
Sting - 2014-01-13
Some Need Milkweed (3) - 2014-01-10
Stone Snowmen [version 2] (2) - 2014-01-08
Stone Snowmen [version 1] - 2014-01-08
Night's Wake (1) - 2013-12-30
Mortal Morsels or The Bitter Bite - 2013-12-22
Modus (1) - 2013-12-18
Rock or Row (2) - 2013-12-13
B.C. [Before Computers] (1) - 2013-10-29
Critics (1) - 2013-09-23
Fable (1) - 2013-07-11
Critic (version 2) (1) - 2013-06-09
Critic (1) - 2013-06-09
Future Flight (1) - 2013-03-30
Toast (3) - 2013-03-17
Take Heed (4) - 2013-01-25
"New Year" (5) - 2012-12-31
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