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Member since 2014-01-17
Has written 11 comments

Has received 130 applauds



MY TEXTS, Archive 87 Texts

sleep/dreams (2) - 2015-12-27
little hands (1) - 2015-11-12
quieter (3) - 2015-10-07
in trees (2) - 2015-09-29
wild winds (3) - 2015-08-05
blank paper (4) - 2015-07-31
hunger (5) - 2015-07-29
close reef sail (3) - 2015-07-24
go home (2) - 2015-07-24
foreign cups (2) - 2015-07-06
temptation's pages (2) - 2015-06-03
heart shot (2) - 2015-05-30
when I went to see the elephant - 2015-05-28
argot of misery (2) - 2015-05-26
heart of folly (2) - 2015-05-26
just things (2) - 2015-05-26
interstices (2) - 2015-05-18
army of ghosts (2) - 2015-05-12
alone in the attic (3) - 2015-05-09
solitude (2) - 2015-05-03

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