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" Be true to your self 'cause nobody else has the power to make you happy"
" Be true to your self 'cause nobody else has the power to make you happy"
Sagafrom |
MY TEXTS, Archive 371 Texts
Love is a rainbow (3) - 2007-02-19
False Creeds (2) - 2007-02-19
There was never a time (3) - 2007-02-09
In a blink of an eye (6) - 2007-02-09
Done in all ways (6) - 2007-02-03
A tear begins a smile (6) - 2007-02-02
The two sides of disappointment (4) - 2007-02-01
Body Heat (4) - 2007-01-20
Can't stand the cold (1) - 2007-01-19
Mutual Misunderstandings (1) - 2007-01-19
Blank (3) - 2007-01-19
Cast no shadow (2) - 2007-01-02
Learn (2) - 2006-12-31
Take (3) - 2006-12-31
Give (1) - 2006-12-31
The return of Saga (1) - 2006-12-31
Light (3) - 2006-12-15
The cliche and clinging of wings (2) - 2006-12-11
The Hustle (3) - 2006-12-10
Remember! Remember! (4) - 2006-12-09
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