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Love (3) Surei 2005-10-03
Sentiments Like Aged Wine (4) Latiep Nolingus 2005-10-01
Unkown source of emotionless (2) cory Crook 2005-09-30
To All My Women (3) Jonathan Celestin 2005-09-29
Nothing man-made (4) Erik Brickman 2005-09-29
The Almighty Architect's Perspective (4) cory Crook 2005-09-29
Title Number Twelve (1) Eight-Feet 2005-09-28
House Gremlin (2) Dean Dancey 2005-09-27
Before Words (8) epohonci 2005-09-24
In This Life Nikki 2005-09-22
Title Number Eleven (3) Eight-Feet 2005-09-22
Painting the Canvas Blank (2) Latiep Nolingus 2005-09-21
These Moments in Time (3) Brenna 2005-09-17
Boobies (4) Eight-Feet 2005-09-17
where the treetops touch the sky (4) MoonChild 2005-09-15
Angels fall from the sky when they die (2) MoonChild 2005-09-15
Title Number Four (3) Eight-Feet 2005-09-12
Things I've left unsaid (4) Brenna 2005-09-11
Death through life, and life through death MoonChild 2005-09-11
Steel and Spiderweb [love him till he hurts.] (8) Inked. 2005-09-08

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