Losing my balance, I realise,
I live with a topsy turvy mind.
Where the crystals in my ears,
Keep me spinning all the time.

I was sent to the falls clinic,
To help my whirring brain.
It really works, Shifting Crystal's,
I fell down the stairs again.

With only one meal a day,
That's all I can manage to keep down.
My world is spinning out of control,
My minds keeps spinning around.

So instead I decided to write,
It's not only the tinnitus.
Or even the dementia,
That keeps me awake at night.

But the spinning of the stairs,
As I glance down them once again.
One thing I know for sure,
I'd be useless at musical chair's.

With all that running around,
My equilibrium is shot.
It's almost like being drunk,
I'd rather hug the ground.

The funny thing is you see,
It doesn't really effect me.
While I'm sitting down,
It's only while I'm laying, That
my world keeps spinning all around.

Poetry by Alan J Ripley The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 30 times
Written on 2025-03-22 at 05:08

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Griffonner The PoetBay support member heart!
As a fellow sufferer I can wholeheartedly sympathise, Alan. I've sent you the came of a medicine that might help you. Eply maneuvers (mentioned by Jamsbo Rockda) helped a bit, but didn't stop the vertigo, but the medicine did. Keep your chin up, my friend.
Blessings, Allen.

IB M The PoetBay support member heart!
Oh, that's so horrible :( I've had Labyrinthitis a couple times in my life and it is exactly as you describe... everything spinning, for me was at any movement of the head. It's worse than being too drunk, it's dizzying, makes it impossible to make your eyes focus 'cause your view is spinning like you're in one of those rollercoasters that spin around, it's so nauseating, debalancing and debilitating in every possible way :( Your writing perfectly takes us with you. I hope you can get some relief soon *hugs* xx

Jamsbo Rockda The PoetBay support member heart!
That must be horrible. My wife has a similar inner ear problem and has to do an exercise where she sits and flops down on the bed sideways to reposition the crystals. She also has tablets that help. I hope you feel better soon.