Okay so this next one was written after a particularly bad dream! Written in 2007 as well.
It is a little distressing, so my apologies if it opens up raw emotion.


Trapped beside you
stolen in the night
Wrapped deep in muffled silence
begging for freedom

Your breath is stale
rancour fills my lungs
Conflagration exhumes me
while bitterness overtakes me

Anguish trembles
while your grasping hands
Bring calamity closer
to rape my senses

All I had left
Not taken with gentleness
torn by ignorance

Never speaking
words are not allowed
My quiet prayers unanswered
ending doesn't come

How Death himself
could become a friend
His presence would honour me...
if only he would come!

Poetry by Tracy Hamilton-Breed
Read 276 times
Written on 2010-07-17 at 16:53

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