This was a bit of fun to write... My favourite band Spiral Dance had a gig called the Faerie Tale Masquerade, at which Dandelion Wine and Wendy Rule were going to play. This piece includes elements of each of those wonderfully majickal people, and was to

In Patience

We dream of summer
of breath on skin
of Spirals dancing
and our hopes begin

A Dandelion beckons
free-flow'n honey wine
what of lust's sacred Rule
what of stars and their sign

Faerie hearts beating
tales told in masquerade
journey on as the hermit dies
trust in Lilith now regained

Our Lady and her Lord
love new in tryst
Cernunnos gestures
romance blooms, beauty kissed

Patience and persistence
never waiting in vanity
always in the Nick of time
carted away to perfect insanity...

Poetry by Tracy Hamilton-Breed
Read 313 times
Written on 2010-07-17 at 17:09

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