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Peter J. Kautsky

75 years old from USA

The latest comments that Peter J. Kautsky has written.

Cart Horse

Choking on the chrysanthemums. Great! Sad for an animal to become an immobile cart until the next adventure. Great poem.

Dandelion Woman

I would be so lucky to have the dandelion woman bump into me. I feel I am the dandelion man. But the women turn and run.

My Spring Garden

Thank you for waking me up like the Azalea. I am in no hurry for August however.


Was the Potter "scared" by the nails or scarred?

Dance by Ann Wood

I wish I was your partner.

I Have Seen the Sea

This poem takes us over the hurdle of reason to transcendental meaning.

To see the same Heart in others

A cogent, touching, beautiful statement of universality. Pete

PoetBay is 10 years old!

Poet bay is a part of my life like a relative sitting at the dinner table. One forgets to be grateful for the efforts of altruistic individuals that reach out beyond just their dreams to create something real and worthwhile for humanity. I can only contribute poems at this time but am vowing to donate money to the cause whenever my turbulent life settles down.

Sweet Pea

Poem reminded me of my sugar snap peas I planted this year. The vines are beautiful and temperamental. The pea pods and peas are out of this world. They never make it to the kitchen.

The Widow's Leaving

reading this poem I was moved to read more of your poetry. This was very moving.

New Years


I see your limp

I could gush with all sorts of praise for the depth of this poem but really all I want to say is that if it went on forever, I would not tire of reading it. Pete

An Autumn Day

Where IS this place?? I thoroughly enjoyed this poem as it presents the mood of that forced gaiety and optimism before winter. I was reminded of Pablo Neruda's poem, "Fall". Pete

I do not dream of water

Gripping read, brings us to the essence of life, beyond the struggles, politics, travails to what really matters.


I liked the baseballs shot out of the pitching machine. I have a better sense of what gout is. So, how's it going? I decided to enroll in welding school as opposed to getting an M.A. I expect to start July 21. I'll mail you a copy of "Fiasco in Paradise", I've got plenty of copies left over from the last paltry meeting of the "Fallen City Writers."

The Daisy Picker


Uncle Ikey's Last Words #15

Now this was a real crack up.

Paupers Palace

Reminds me of the opera La Boheme. A beautiful sensitive description of a pauper's palace!

Frying Potatoes

This poem was an absoslute riot!

Right Wrong

one learns much about poetry, reading your work. Pete

The Orchard

wonderful metaphors, truly enjoyable. Pete

More from Uncle Ikey #41

...but many successes are forms of failure are they not?

The Easter Winds of Prague

The read was uplifting. This is not the Prague I remember in 1980 when nobody spoke. Mute people walked along Wenceslaus Square with stern faces. The city was absolutely dark at night except for the square. It was frightening. The eatery had about thirty items listed but only one available -- a greasy sort of "egg fu yung" with a few peas in it. A man flipped out ranting about soviet tanks. He was hushed by others. People were lining up to buy greens --- something green to eat that looked like it came out of a garbage dumpster in the United States. Everybody had this dry skin. My skin began turning dry from the constant acidification of the air from the coal burning smoke stacks everywhere. There was an abundance of beer and sausage as if to placate a population. But I did dance a ballet there, getting lost intentionally on the trams, eating the sausage, drinking the beer. There was the "Narodni Divadlo" the main opera house where my father sang just as the Nazis came to town.

Tea Time For The Birds

Presents an optimistic view and romantic setting for bird lovers. One likes to see happy birds. pjk

The Road is my Home

this makes me recall my former career as interstate truck driver. Really nailing it here!

Calliope Tunes

very touching and expressive of tender emotions.


So a dyslexic read would be that "liking" is the truth, "using" is the lie. The norm will come around and it will be nice to be used.

Beggars Can't Be Choosers

States an obvious truth, but I enjoyed sorting through the logic and rhymes.

journey to redefinition

thought provoking. It occurs to me our challenge is to focus on the new definitions we are striving for.

String Theory

Flying the kite must be as important as knowing where it came from. Interesting poem. Pete

Rain Life

I learned much here in terms of style. It is fluid and expressive of clear thoughts. I also wrote a poem about rain entitled "Downpour" the style would be a bit thick. pete

The Time May Come

tremendous statement redemption and peace of mind. Read like a glass of lemonade on a hot day. Pete

Sea Friend

I was touched by this and your other poetry. I particularly like the line, "hurling me a thousand miles per hour towards my whole life?"

Morning at the favela

I can see this painting of despair. Does this have anything to do with a favela in Rio de Janiero?

Lost source

enjoyed this very much, it resonates with me as one finding oneself in a better and original place.

Dreams will say nothing

It's a beautiful and evocative poem but why the contradiction of dreams? Perhaps you can explain this to me. I recall vivid dreams and they speak volumes to me. Here are some dreams I recall. I found myself driving a semi truck backwards on the freeway. In another dream a jet aircraft stopped in midair in front of me and the pilot handed me a baby. I think these dreams were telling me something.

Nowy Swiat 16:00

Very insightful of desperate dignity along that "tightrope" we all find ourselves approaching.

Timmy's Doorman

Very touching characterization of a has-been man not surrendering to tyranny of Father Time. He still has a job.

Black And Red

I'm reminded of Calista Gingrich

The Art Of Breaking An Egg

tremendous lines, bacon and milk, crisp as fine dry linens, blueprint of divinity, the map of life, sewn in to my existence. This is an abosorbing and meaningful read. /write on.


had a similar experience recently inspiring my poem, "White Clouds." I envy those who can have shops at coastal towns. The clouds tend to trivialize everything however. Pete

The Downpour —-revised

Great metaphors, "rhinoseros" "bird's next". The vanity leaves, everything leaves. I wrote a poem a while back entitled, "Downpour" . Shall we compare metaphors?

White rose.

engrossing read, enjoyed the refrain, "another white rose to go around." Wished for more stanzas. The feeling was being in some enchanted place struggling with conflict


I envy you that you recall the good people. IN my case it's all the villains that loom large. Maybe I'll learn to forgive them.

The core of emptiness

the filling of a bowl. great!


yes, so much like my life, wallowing in elusive truth.


enjoyed this. The contrast of the tap water with the ocean is great.

A bottled smell

That's what we're left with after all -- our poems. Enjoyed this.

Here is to You

really hits home. One breathes deep because one is so starved to know something.

waiting for Perseus

"banana in the dentist's chair" oh, so Pablo Neruda!, the one word lines draw me in - one has the sense of falling into the poem. Great!