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ttius34 years old from UK |
MY TEXTS, Archive 82 Texts
Right and Left (4) - 2014-07-18
The walk home pt.2 (1) - 2014-07-17
Fallen Star (1) - 2014-07-17
The walk home pt.1 (2) - 2014-07-15
Totality - 2014-07-15
A Patient Saint - 2014-07-10
Love at bay (2) - 2014-07-10
Macabre (1) - 2014-07-03
I - 2014-06-25
Friends with Temptation (1) - 2014-06-23
3 Herons (1) - 2014-06-13
Death's Triumph - 2014-06-05
That old self - 2014-05-27
Abandoned Graveyard (4) - 2014-05-27
Robin on my window sill (1) - 2014-03-28
What was it all for? (1) - 2014-03-10
I Cannot Tell - 2014-03-10
Isle of Dolls - 2014-03-10
When we are gone - 2014-03-04
Song of Sin (1) - 2014-03-04
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