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ttius34 years old from UK |
MY TEXTS, Archive 82 Texts
Collapse (1) - 2018-05-08
Take the Reins - 2018-05-04
Silence Impertinent - 2015-12-21
No-one Cares (1) - 2015-12-18
At The Worst of Moments (3) - 2015-12-14
The Charnel House is Burning (1) - 2015-11-24
On A Winters Day (3) - 2015-11-09
I'm floating down a river (2) - 2015-10-16
So This Is Music (2) - 2015-10-14
Beyond the veil of a fairy tale (1) - 2015-10-01
Good Friends (1) - 2015-08-08
Tree Climbing (1) - 2015-08-01
Rocking Horse (4) - 2015-06-05
Lost Love (3) - 2015-02-12
Song Thrush (4) - 2015-02-09
The Sun, Moon and Tree (2) - 2015-02-05
The grey days of Portland Bill (4) - 2015-02-02
Take me there... (1) - 2015-01-29
The Mountain Goat (3) - 2015-01-28
Sunset (2) - 2015-01-27
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