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" Be true to your self 'cause nobody else has the power to make you happy"
" Be true to your self 'cause nobody else has the power to make you happy"
Sagafrom |
MY TEXTS, Archive 371 Texts
SMW pt. XXV (1) - 2008-05-06
SMW pt. XXIV (4) - 2008-05-06
SMW pt. XXIII (3) - 2008-05-01
SMW pt. XXII (2) - 2008-04-28
closed sunday (1) - 2008-04-28
Does it have to be your way? (4) - 2008-04-24
SMW pt. XXI (3) - 2008-04-20
one word (5) - 2008-04-18
Happy (3) - 2008-04-18
It depends on who's around.... (3) - 2008-04-14
SMW pt. XX (3) - 2008-04-14
SMW pt. XIX (3) - 2008-04-14
Restriction (2) - 2008-04-13
Within (2) - 2008-04-13
A story for you (2) - 2008-04-09
SMW pt. XVIII (1) - 2008-04-06
March (1) - 2008-03-30
Nobody loves no one (2) - 2008-03-29
SMW pt. XVII (2) - 2008-02-17
Hero (1) - 2007-12-16
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