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" Be true to your self 'cause nobody else has the power to make you happy"
" Be true to your self 'cause nobody else has the power to make you happy"
Sagafrom |
MY TEXTS, Archive 371 Texts
No business like "word" business (1) - 2007-04-11
The sayings of the Alphabet - C (3) - 2007-04-06
The sayings of the Alphabet - B (2) - 2007-04-05
The March continues (1) - 2007-04-05
The sayings of the Alphabet - A (2) - 2007-04-05
Covered and tangled (4) - 2007-03-30
The Interpreter of the Blame (5) - 2007-03-29
Unsung (3) - 2007-03-22
Let's seal the deal (3) - 2007-03-22
Just Paper (2) - 2007-03-12
The five senses (2) - 2007-03-12
I took the wrong way (5) - 2007-03-08
Don't ever let them win!! (2) - 2007-03-08
Pusher (3) - 2007-03-02
One word (1) - 2007-03-02
I didn't mean to stare!!! (10) - 2007-02-28
No (4) - 2007-02-28
There are no winners (4) - 2007-02-28
Linger (5) - 2007-02-21
K-now-N (4) - 2007-02-21
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