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Beauty (2) MIK136PARKS 2009-10-01
Doubled Wonders (2) Jean Thomas 2009-08-06
Surfing with the Alien (6) pic TonyD 2009-03-01
Celestial Beauty Shawn Monahan 2008-02-02
Beauty Michel Galiana 2007-12-14
A rose so mute (6) Lea Foverskov 2007-07-25
Lights to the west (3) J. E. 2007-05-28
Eternity passing by (a winters poem) (3) J. E. 2007-05-27
For My Diamond (2) katiiieanne 2007-03-15
early rain (4) pic Peter Humphreys 2007-02-16
Beauty (2) Parnika 2007-01-30
Your Eyes (1) Rhett 2006-10-26
Fancy Peter S. Quinn 2006-10-22
Open the Door for Beauty (2) Anne Westlund 2006-10-21
Bright and Quick (1) Anne Westlund 2006-10-21
Martyr's Path (3) Jon Aflatooni 2006-10-21
Thankyou Tal¿a 2006-10-03
Edna's Thoughts On Beauty (2) Edna Sweetlove 2006-09-28
Lightning (7) Xuxa 2006-09-27
Searching for Beauty (2) Michael G 2006-09-05

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