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Phyllis J. Rhodes76 years old from USA |
Archive - September - 2008
When Your Heart Is Weary (3) - 2008-09-09
Whispering Hope (2) - 2008-09-04
Fickle Pickle (2) - 2008-09-04
Stunning Encounter (4) - 2008-09-03
Rest Your Heart (1) - 2008-09-08
Life Cycle Haiku (5) - 2008-09-06
Humanity Haiku X 4 (3) - 2008-09-07
L O V E (5) - 2008-09-09
Lily Lymerick (4) - 2008-09-09
Osmosis (2) - 2008-09-09
I Never Planned On This (5) - 2008-09-09
May You Know Joy Again (6) - 2008-09-09
Valerie (5) - 2008-09-16
Death or God; Choose (5) - 2008-09-12
Dust (3) - 2008-09-16
The Calico Cat Is Gone (2) - 2008-09-19
Deconstructing Good (3) - 2008-09-20
tired (1) - 2008-09-22
Lily Livered Limerick (1) - 2008-09-22
Toot Sweet (5) - 2008-09-22
An Introduction To Tragedy (a child's first experience) (4) - 2008-09-23
I Am Not Getting The Message (this is for you) (5) - 2008-09-24
Nature's Temper Haiku (3) - 2008-09-24
I've Lost Me (5) - 2008-09-27