2024-10-12 There is something magical about the way you meld past and future—the ripples touching both.
2024-08-13 I appreciate, and understand it, so much, down to my core. Thank you sharing with us these intimate feelings.
Real is Bare
2024-07-19 so many great and true phrases and thoughts here, wisdom
dig the real
Where is the Time?
2024-07-16 to love and be loved
to touch and be touched
it's the best humans can offer one another ~~~
2024-07-11 Age brings the inevitability of reviving old memories rather than create new ones. Your poem rings true.
Webhosting provider
2024-07-07 Thank you for your persistence! All you do is very, very much appreciated, exasperating as it is.
Thank you!
July morning by Ann Wood
2024-07-01 It is an unusually cool morning here as July begins the second half of the year.
Happy Father`s Day by Ann Wood
2024-06-16 I call this, "happy to be a father day."
Cul de sac
2024-06-08 Fatalistically optimistic, or optimistically fatalistic?!
What's happening to English?
2024-06-08 Hi Marie, "Nebbish" is as old as the hills, maybe older. It's from the Yiddish. I grew up with that word, meaning someone or something a little sad, "doing poorly."
As for the other, no idea!
2024-03-15 I don't think it is an either/or question, nor do I think it's a choice. We are connected, the mere fact of this poem by electrons instead of pen and paper is a link.
Seeking unconditional love, drifting through consciousness—absolutely!
THE POWER OF WORDS (Enportant Addians)
2024-03-15 Don't kid yourself. The power of words is solely dependent on who is saying the words.
Martin Luther King's, "I have a dream" has turned to dust. Meanwhile, "Seig Heil!" is roaring loud and clear, alive and well, throughout the world.
The poet is, at best, a voice in the wind.
2024-03-15 I was completely drawn into this, dynamite writing, and so much wisdom and pathos.
"i see so much, so much, so much"
That line is reverberating in my thoughts.
Just wonderful,
Let go
2024-03-03 Today must be a day of liberation and revelation, of discovery and letting go, for both you and R.W.S.
Maybe it's the spring, or almost spring, weather. Or, being where you were when you wrote this.
T h r i v e
2024-03-03 This makes me smile, though I am still waiting for my moment of self-love, or even appreciation. I say, good for you!
In the Deep
2024-03-03 "Awareness" is a very mixed blessing.
When my poet friend wants a shorthand version of a compliment, she says, "ace." This is ace, R.W.S.
2024-02-23 A life of senses, sensations, awareness. A sensuous life.
High Expectations
2024-02-22 "High Expectations" seems less severe than "Demands," your earlier title I believe.
Either way, this is such a clear list of wants, ending with what is most important—and done with crystal clear writing. No ambiguity!
Conversations no 3
2024-01-21 This is delightful, and I can feel "crundle" working its way into my vocabulary, just waiting for an opportunity to pounce.
Something Lost
2024-01-20 The fourth line brought vivid images to mind, an entire scenario unfolded.
2024-01-16 Young love sucks? Would have rather gone without?
A wonderful tribute to pain.
For a Certain Poet
2024-01-16 The stanza and rhyme form is such that I was surprised that it followed a poet BORN in 1923. That such a poet could live contemporaneously with "Leave it to Beaver," is high contrast.
You have done a wonderful job of writing within the confines of the form. Why am I not surprised!?
2024-01-14 This triggers memories, relationships, threads, there's no end to it.
Some good memories came to mind, forgotten. The bad ones are easy to remember. The good ones get lost, sometimes.
Thank you.
the joker takes the crown, a heartache in three.
2024-01-14 "i am purely desire"
"i the fool,
and i wear it well"
What a great lines, and your metaphor of joker and queen makes this a unique poem of love.
It's tough being human, all these feelings . . .
2024-01-12 A tour de force,
and to all a "goodnight!"
2024-01-10 I reach back, can see, no feel, my mother sitting on the edge of the bed, saying a prayer with me, but what prayer?
Thank you for this. I long for lost memories.
branches of a tree
2024-01-10 An interesting experiment ~~~
Looking forward thinking back
2024-01-10 Such a lovely tribute to life, beautiful.
Kerouac Meets Rumi
2024-01-10 Crystalline.
Simple Litany
2024-01-09 There are wonderful phrases and lines here, this is vivid:
"Let me pocket the moon,
lost dime shining in a gutterpuddle."
I've never been to the Boston area, but after years of reading your poems the images you've created have created an imaginary Boston area for me, complete with characters and settings and details.
2024-01-09 So sweet and so innocent and so charming, I am taken back by this, taken back to memories somewhat forgotten with time, now awakened.
This poem is a time-machine. Can there be such innocence today, I wonder.
Our Beloved Abbey
2024-01-09 I'm so sorry. I will always remember the image of Abbey perched atop your head.
Sweet sorrow, my thoughts are with you,
The nectar of truth
2024-01-08 Thank you for sharing peaceful thoughts, Nils.
An Experiment
2024-01-08 This brings to mind Dobos Tort, many layers of richness and surprise.
The unintentional killing of a poem
2023-12-26 Maybe part of writing is losing something precious and irretrievable.
"The art of losing isn't hard to master."
(Elizabeth Bishop)
Merry Christmas everyone
2023-12-21 Merry Christmas, Alan, and I hope, we all hope, for a healthy new year for you and Carol ~~~
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year 2024 by Ann Wood
2023-12-21 Merry Christmas, Ann, and best wishes for the new year. Peace? One can hope.
2023-12-13 It is a glorious night, and if the sky is clear tomorrow night you may see the Geminids meteor shower outside your window.
The Streets
2023-12-11 Thank you "Volunteer," this is ace. Much appreciated.
Bad awakening
2023-12-11 Bravo for your ultimately sunny outlook.
I felt every twinge, gip, and *sing* as I sit here in the pre-dawn trying to get my body to behave, and the ringing to be a little more harmonious.
Good morning, another day, another opportunity (for what?),
2023-12-08 This is beautiful.
I wish for you a peaceful transition as you begin your new adventure.
Godspeed, my friend ~~~
Cheap Imitations to Court Inspiration
2023-11-25 My first assignment in my first poetry class was to write a poem in imitation of Pier Plowman, so what you've done makes sense, and a lot of fun.
Lynn's rarely uses similes, her entry would look more like this:
i have been looking into myself
to find answers
i am curious
pointless is my pastime.
bravo, Sameen.
For my Carol's 70 years young birthday
2023-10-26 I agree with Marie, it only gets better, the passion, willingness, and generosity deeper.
Happy birthday to Carol and best wishes. I will be hitting the same milestone in two weeks.
Days of Childhood
2023-09-18 I love this glimpse of an English (?) childhood. Naturally, it brought images and memories of my American childhood, very different images and memories to be sure, but precious nonetheless.
Thank you!
P.S. It's so bloody refreshing to read rhymed stanzas.
Faith of Our Fathers
2023-09-12 The apple fell far from the tree.
2023-09-05 Trees and rain and open sky—awaiting!
A lovely poem, Marie.
Wishing you the very best.
My Favourite Day
2023-08-25 What is the value of a day? Is the day spent with family, or alone, or in a crowd . . . achieving measurable success, facing defeat, doing nothing but (as you said a few days ago in your reply to my comment) eating a bacon sandwich, the best-spent day?
As each day drags, then flies, by, I wonder about this more and more, reaching no definitive conclusion, except—a cold day in the sun, or a hot day in the shade, doing literally nothing but admiring the blue sky, or the clouds, ranks high on my list.
As does a bacon sandwich.
Being different
2023-08-25 No one is better at turning words into poetry than you, Alan.
Flash, and the Plumes Crack
2023-08-23 This is dope.
In Memoria Canis
2023-08-22 When humanity extents beyond humans, it is truly as it should be, a revelation of our best nature.
I am sorry for you loss, and so appreciate your words.